Commercial and Cyclonic Glass in Perth

Commercial Glass and Cyclonic Glass in Perth


Glass is a primary material used for construction purposes, especially if it is an office that is to be set up. However, the glass used for commercial buildings or offices are quite different than what is used for residential purposes. In addition specialist laminated cyclonic glass is designed to withstand windblown debri impact and extreme windloads.


If you are living in Western Australia, then you are exposed to cyclonic winds and weather conditions that often develop in the Kimberley and Pilbara regions. Kununurra, Broome, Port Hedland, Karratha, Carnarvon and Exmouth are some other cities that experience cyclonic conditions. However, with Com-Al Windows you can be assured of a tested product that meets the Australian Standards. Com-Al Windows are committed to providing commercial glass and cyclonic glass engineered and tested in an Australian environment.



aluminum extrusion window system

Cyclonic Commercial Glass


Cyclonic commercial glass is a special type of glass that is fitted into high strength aluminium doors and windows of commercial buildings. As the name denotes, cyclonic commercial glass is built keeping in mind the areas of cyclones that occur in and around Australia. As a leading provider of cyclonic commercial glass, Com-Al Windows, offers quality cyclonic glasses for your commercial space that are tried and tested. Commercial cyclonic glass offered by Com-Al Windows will also go through the cyclonic debris test, which is conducted by passing a missile through it. This test among others helps identify the Com-Al cyclonic glasses to be secure against the penetration of debris that the cyclonic winds carry, travelling at velocities close to that of the AS/NZS 1170.2.


This Simulated Wind Driven Debris Impact Test is a test that Com-Al Windows’ glasses are passed through, which is conducted at Azuma Design, a NATA accredited laboratory used by Com-AL Windows of 16 Madrid Place Maddington, WA.

Com-Al Windows brings in 52+ years of experience in the Commercial Doors, Windows, and Commercial Glass industry, thereby, assuring the customers of the first-grade quality, cutting-edge contemporary designs, and trends. So, if you are looking for the best quality cyclonic commercial glass in Perth or anywhere else in and around Australia, then reach out to Com-Al Windows.

Com-Al Windows Offers a Wide Range of Commercial Glass to Choose From!


Com-Al Windows is one of the most experienced designers, manufacturers, and installers of commercial glass and cyclonic glass in Western Australia. Some of the main kinds of commercial glass that we offer are:


Low E Glass in Perth


The term “Low-E” is used as an abbreviation of “low emissivity”. These types of glasses are manufactured with a special thin metal coating added to them on one of the sides of the glass. Using Low E coated glass from Com-Al Windows in your commercial space will ensure an increase in the energy efficiency of your windows, which will reduce the transfer of the Ultraviolet and Infrared rays and will help pass only the visible light, thereby decreasing the passage of heat or cold through the glass.


Insulating Glass Units in Perth


Insulating glass units by their name themselves, indicate that they are insulated. Glass that is double glazed (DGU) has very good insulating properties. If you choose to have quality Insulating Glass Units (IGU) from Com-Al Windows then you will have two or more glass panes separated by a spacer, and would be sealed to restrict the humidity outside from entering the unit. The most commonly used IGU is via double glazing (DGU), which contains two panes of glasses and significantly reduces the heat loss or gain.


Safety Glass in Perth


Safety glass is a type of glass that is built keeping in mind the safety of its users. Unlike ordinary glasses, which when broken, generally form dangerous shards, safety glasses are designed to be robust and withstand powerful impacts. Besides, these are also built in such a way that the safety glasses would be less dangerous when broken, thereby minimizing the chances of major injuries. Toughened glass, laminated glass, heat-strengthened glass, wire mesh glass, and vinyl backed safety mirrors are some of the many types of safety glass.



Toughened Glass in Perth


Toughened glass is a type of commercial glass that Com-Al Windows supplies, which is made under a controlled process of heating the glass to about 600 °C, which is again followed by a rapid compressed air cooling process. The rapid cooling is what helps the glass’ surface to contract, thereby giving it a rigid outer layer to make it stronger than regular glass. Choosing toughened glass for your commercial doors and windows would help it gain 4-5X strength without changing its thickness. This toughened glass is a safety glass and is far more resistant to impact stress and thermal stress than ordinary glass.


Heat Strengthened Glass in Perth


Heat strengthened glass is another kind of glass that is manufactured by the same heating and cooling process that is done in the case of toughened glass but is not a safety glass. This type of commercial glass can give you 2X the strength of the normal glass of the same thickness. This type of glass also come with the same thermal properties as toughened glass, but does not shatter into small pieces. Therefore, heat strengthened glass can easily be used in building spandrels and windows, which do not require safety glass but require thermally stable glass.


Laminated Glass in Perth


Laminated glass is also a type of commercial glass that is manufactured, designed and installed by Com-Al Windows. This glass is made by binding two or more pieces of glass by an interlayer, which is mostly polyvinyl butyral (PVB) or Sentry (SGP). This interlayer helps in keeping the glass bonded, even if it is broken, which saves the glasses from breaking up into larger and sharper pieces. It is often used in canopies, balustrading, spider fitting glass walls, frameless pivott doors. When laminated glass is broken it holds together to limit the possibility of human impact or where the glass can fall down if shattered.


Com-Al Windows will provide you with all of your commercial glass or cyclonic glass requirements in Australia.

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