St Thomas Moore College

St Thomas Moore College
Project Description

Project Description

St Thomas Moore College – Student Accommodation – Education Sector

Location: WA

Com-Al Windows was involved in the construction of high-performance window façade’s on the college opposite the University of WA and Matilda Bay Reserve. A beautiful location overlooking Perth’s iconic Swan River.

A variety of façade systems were used including 250mm and 150mm Front Glazed aluminium extrusion systems, with high-performance laminated glass to ensure the best possible educational outcomes for the students housed in this facility. In addition to this bronze anodized cladding from Anodisers WA was used to create a special effect when you looked at the building from the street.

Com-Al Windows has been involved in many buildings around the Education Precinct in UWA including the UWA Business School and the UWA Indian Ocean Research Facility.

Project Type